Gap Offset and Skew

The Gap Offset and Skew test procedure measures the alignment of collimator leaves to determine how accurately they are being positioned.

The Latest Gap Skew results show a summary of activity as shown below:

Technical Background

Edge measurements are acquired by selecting segments of the edge on the left and right ends. The segments are chosen to begin and end in the middle of a leaf, and span two leaves. They are positioned to be far enough away from the edge of the image and vertical jaws to avoid their effects.

The image below shows the detail of a measurement. The black horizontal line shows the length of the segment. The vertical gray lines (added for clarity) show the sides of the collimator leaves.

The angle of an edge is calculated with:

$ angle = atan((Y_{Right} - Y_{Left}) / (X_{Right} - X_{Left})) $

Where $X_{Right}$ and $X_{Left}$ are the horizontal centers of the right and left segments.

Angles are expressed both in degrees and mm/40 cm.

Summary Page

The Gap, Offset and Skew page lists all results for all machines and allows the user to navigate to specific results. The screen capture below provides and example.

Composite Test Results

The following shows a report for one set of beams. Major sections describe:

Individual Beam Report

Clicking on the beam names in composite test results page will take you to a page like the screenshot below that shows detailed results for a single beam.

Clicking on the image will show a larger image and list the complete DICOM meta-data.

The report shows values from this beam only, and includes graphs over time of selected values. At the bottom of the page are selected DICOM meta-values providing relevant information.