Quick Start Guide

To analyze data on the AQA platform, a user must define a machine and create the RTPLAN file ( account required, contact Jim Irrer ). This step is only done once, and subsequent tests may be run against the defined machine repeatedly. The steps involved are:

  1. Deliver the planned fields on the machine defined in the AQA platform
  2. Export the images
  3. Upload the images and plan to the AQA website on AWS
  4. Run the tests on the images on AWS.

Each institution will receive user accounts that will have access to run files and create additional accounts. This account must be created by Jim Irrer, please contact Jim at irrer@med.umich.edu to request up to 2 active accounts for your institution. Jim will send you your account details.

1: Create Machine

AdministrationMachinesCreate new Machine

Fill out the requested information to reflect your machine, and click Create . This leads to the creation of your machine and the screen will return to the list of machines. Each Linear accelerator is referred to as a Machine in the software.

2: Create RTPLAN

Click the name of the newly created machine, then the "Customize Plan" button at the bottom.

The Patient ID , Patient Name , and Plan Name are arbitrary, but can be helpful for tracking the machine's test activity.

The Tolerance Table Name should be one that exists in your treatment planning system.

The Machine Name should be one that exists in your treatment planning and management systems.

Click Create to create the RTPLAN. This will bring up another page with a link to download the just-created RTPLAN.

3: Import RTPLAN into your Treatment Management System and make minor modifications to plan

4a: Acquire dark field for each energy and run Isocal verification. [DF update should be performed prior to AQA delivery]

4: Deliver planned fields at the linac in QA mode

5: Export & Upload Images, and Run the Test on https://automatedqualityassurance.org