Phase 2: Symmetry, Flatness, and Constancy Database Query

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Refer to the Symmetry and Flatness user guide for background information.

If the isBaseline column is true, it means that this data set should be used as a baseline for those that follow it chronologically for the same beam and machine until the next baseline or the last data set.

          "institution"."name" as "Institution",          -- anonymized name of institution
          "machine"."id" as "Machine",                    -- anonymized name of machine
          "machineType"."model",                          -- type of machine
          "multileafCollimator"."model" as "Collimator",  -- HD or Millenium
          "output"."dataDate",                            -- time and date that data was collected
       -- "output"."analysisDate",                        -- time and date that data was analyzed
          "symmetryAndFlatness"."top_cu",                 -- average value of pixels in top circle in CU
          "symmetryAndFlatness"."bottom_cu",              -- average value of pixels in bottom circle in CU
          "symmetryAndFlatness"."left_cu",                -- average value of pixels in left circle in CU
          "symmetryAndFlatness"."right_cu",               -- average value of pixels in right circle in CU
          "symmetryAndFlatness"."center_cu",              -- average value of pixels in center circle in CU
          "symmetryAndFlatness"."isBaseline"              -- If true, then this data set should be used as a baseline for
                                                          --   this and subsequent data sets with the same machine and beam.
              ("symmetryAndFlatness"."outputPK" = "output"."outputPK")
          AND ("output"."machinePK" = "machine"."machinePK")
          AND ("machine"."institutionPK" = "institution"."institutionPK")
          AND ("machine"."machineTypePK" = "machineType"."machineTypePK")
          AND ("machine"."multileafCollimatorPK" = "multileafCollimator"."multileafCollimatorPK")
        ORDER BY
        ASC LIMIT 10;